When you import an image/PDF into your plan file you are referencing a file on your computer and not actually saving it in your plan. The image will now be visible in the center of the drawing area.Browse to the picture file that you would like to import, click on its name to select it, then click the Open button.From the menu, select File> Import> Import Picture to open the Import Picture File dialog.Launch Chief Architect and create a New Plan.The picture file that will be used should be saved in the same folder on your computer as the plan file you want it to appear in. Hiding or removing the image/PDF in X14 and prior.Hiding or removing the image/PDF in X15 and newer.Saving imported pictures and PDF's to the plan.In many cases, imported images and PDFs are not scaled, so in order to produce an accurate model, you will need to make some adjustments to your drawing. There isn't a way to convert a digital image into a 3D model in Chief Architect however, you can use an image of a floor plan, or a PDF, as a template to trace over. My picture has dimensions on it, and I would like to import it into Chief Architect and use it to create a 1:1 scale drawing. The information in this article applies to: